
Our Plan is a comprehensive educational strategy designed to equip Baltimore's students with diverse skills, including trade proficiency, STEM knowledge, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship, while leveraging cutting-edge tools like virtual reality (VR) technology. This innovative approach aims to prepare students for success in a rapidly evolving world.

1. Reinstating Trade Programs:

- Trade Curriculum: All 9th-grade students will study various trade programs to gain exposure to different vocational fields.

- Trade Selection: At the end of 9th grade, students will choose a specific trade for focused study.

2. Summer Work-Study Program:

- Hands-On Learning: 9th-grade summer will launch work-study programs tailored to selected trades, providing practical experience.

- Vacant Home Revitalization Initiative: Students will contribute to renovating Baltimore's 13,000+ vacant homes, gaining practical skills and aiding community revitalization.

- Juvenile Crime Prevention: This program effectively keeps youth off the streets during Summer months by giving them the opportunity to EARN money and learn the skills necessary to become certified Tradesmen.

3. Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy, and STEM Education:

- Entrepreneurship Courses: Introduce business fundamentals and practical entrepreneurship skills.

- Financial Literacy Education: Implement comprehensive courses covering financial management and planning.

- Enhanced STEM Curriculum: Provide an enriched STEM education emphasizing critical thinking and creativity.

4. Utilizing Virtual Reality in Education:

-VR Technology Integration: Incorporate VR technology into classrooms for immersive learning experiences.

- Interactive Learning Modules: Develop VR modules for complex subjects, fostering interactive and engaging education.

5. Career Pathways and Technology Integration:

- Career Counseling and Technology Access: Offer comprehensive counseling and ensure equitable access to technology.

- Digital Literacy and Coding: Include digital literacy and coding skills for preparing students in the digital era.

6. Supporting Teachers and Modernizing Schools:

- Teacher Support and Infrastructure Enhancement: Provide competitive salaries, benefits, and infrastructure improvements for advanced learning environments.

7. Community Engagement and Feedback:

- Strengthening Community Ties: Foster collaboration among schools, parents, businesses, and community organizations for holistic education.

- Continuous Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback system involving stakeholders to evaluate and enhance educational initiatives.

8. Equity and Inclusivity:

- Equal Access and Diverse Curriculum: Ensure all students have equal opportunities and include diverse perspectives in the curriculum.


This Education Plan aims to transform Baltimore's education system by combining academic rigor with practical skill development, addressing vacant home challenges, and empowering students for diverse careers. By leveraging innovative tools and diverse educational pathways, we aspire to prepare Baltimore's youth for a successful and fulfilling future